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" We play Together, Learn Together and Grow Together in a Diverse World"
"Education is the most powerful weapon which   you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela


Ni’Dre’a Diversity Childcare uses a research-based Approaches to Learning Program that supports a child's Learning  Standards which includes physical health, and cognitive development through experiences that inspire creative expression, open-ended discovery, and PLAY!

Ni’Dre’a Diversity Childcare guides your children throughout the day and year reflected on their daily circle, songs, poems, movement, and stories. We spend a lot of time indoor/ outdoors exploring, investigating and learning diversity activities, strengthening our bond with the diverse world.

Our curriculum is based on the latest research in the field of early childhood education. It is intentionally designed to support the development of skills across five domains including:

  • Approaches to Learning

  • Physical Health, Well-Being, and Movement Skills

  • Social and Emotional Development

  • Thinking Abilities and General Knowledge

  • Communication, Language and Literacy

Activities, projects, and extended learning opportunities invite children to explore their own curiosities and apply multiple skills across the disciplines. We frame experiences with thematic studies to help children link new and prior knowledge, and to make real-world connections. Children learn about their families, their diverse community, and their natural environment, all the while developing an understanding of how they themselves fit within our big, beautiful diverse world.

Arts-Infused Model


Art, music, and creative expression are integrated throughout our learning experiences. Creativity is the way for children to individually express ideas, take risks, make choices, apply new knowledge, and explore curiosities. We link skills with play-based experiences.

 Individualized Instruction


Since children are diversely unique they develop at different rates and levels. They have different interests, which are flexible and always consider the individuality of the child, as well as the dynamics of the group. Our open-ended use of materials allows the child to make modifications to best fit for the child's goals and developmental level.

 Environment Design


Children learn best in stimulating and safe environments that connect with their interests and allow for exploration. We provide space for both quiet and active inquiry.

Children benefit from an environment where they can make choices, and learning areas are places children can go and touch, look, build, create, role-play, and talk with friends. Whatever is planned is always flexible and changeable depending on the needs of the children.

We use a movement program that helps children learn movements from the four main regions of the body (upper body, lower body, core, and head) that increases muscle control and encourage physical fitness. It supports the development of coordination, balance, and strength control and will increase postural alignment and spatial awareness.

Our program is enriched with the inclusion of carefully planned indoor/outdoor field trips. These experiences help the children make real-life connections that deepen their overall learning.

Intentionally chosen materials reflect diversity and build tolerance and a culture of respect for differences.

Children have a greater degree of success in learning when offered a variety of experiences: a balance of teacher- and child-initiated activities, free and structured play, and individual and group learning.

 Assessment and Communication


The purpose of assessment is to inform the planning of meaningful and developmentally appropriate learning experiences. There will be progress reports and a parent-teacher conference during students' Pre-K year.

We encourage strong collaboration and connection between Ni’Dre’a Diversity Childcare. Monthly newsletters actively involve families in extending learning by offering suggestions for activities, books, and songs directly connected to the children's experiences.

There are ongoing opportunities throughout the year for children to bring in items to share that are meaningful to them.

Our Diverse center is constantly creating hands-on projects, which serve as an exciting catalyst for conversations between child and parent about their daily experiences.

© 2018 Ni'Dre'a Diversity Childcare LLC

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